Just a reminder: If you ordered the boxed game, overnight shipments and early orders will ship out Alibi in Ashes first, then the 3-day, and finally the 5-7 day regulars. Depending on how close you live to Seattle, you might be getting your game earlier. Just keep an eye out your window! The game will arrive soon and you will get to play and see all that we've been working on the past year. ;)
Oh my, I believe I have forgotten to post the solution to last weekend's puzzle! It looks like many of you are well experienced in solving Nonograms from Shadow at the Water's Edge and have solved this one fast. To solve, ignore all of the letters in the grid. Then fill in the boxes according to the numbers above and to the right. Those numbers mean that there are X-amount of consecutive boxes filled in (don't forget that there needs to be a blank space in between each set of filled boxes). Once you fill in all the spaces, read the remaining letters left-to-right, top-to-bottom. You should get this answer: [A clue to ND26 is found in Trail of the Twister].
*If you like surprises, do not, I repeat do not click on this link or read any emails about our YouTube Channel: HerInteractiveGames.
Take a look at this odd trophy!
~Little Jackalope~
That would have been nice to know before I saw the title XD Fortunately I deleted the email as soon as I saw the first bit. :)
Cool trophy.I'm sure she is proud of it's uniquness.
From me,
I'm glad I preordered the game. Special content!
Wow, that Clue board must be really old, too!
That is definitely the strangest and most interesting trophy I have ever seen! What is the IndieCade that gives such awesome trophies? :)
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