On the left is the original sketch of the Koko Kringle Kow. On the right is the finished Kow that was first seen on the Koko Kringle candy wrapper in Secret of the Scarlet Hand, found in Sonny Joon's messy desk in the lab. Sonny Joon reflects many of the artists in that their early sketches turned into real in-game doodles.
Check out this early sketch of The White Wolf of Icicle Creek! This is too cool...

I'll be sure to share with you more early sketches in the future. ;)
~Little Jackalope~
Wow! Love the ICE sketch! :D Did you have other concepts on Koko Kringles?
I love concept art. These early sketches are fun to look at. Keep it coming.
Awesome sketches! :D :D I look forward to seeing more sketches.
sooo cool!Sonny Joon left a mess of Kringle bars in his desk drawer in Danger by Design.In Crystal Skull,I couldn't stop eating them.I believe I made Nancy sick off of them. :)
I love the design for White Wolf of Icicle Creek.Although in the game,it doesn't realy look like that does it?
From me,
Hey sleuths,
Take a closer look at the Koko Kow, *wink*.
the cow on the left doesn't have any glassses!:D
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