I recently realized that last week a year ago I began writing to you all. I'm excited about this. In honor of the Little Jackalope's being here for so long (and yes, I'm temporarily referring to myself in third-person) I plan on updating the look of the Amateur Sleuth blog. After all, it could use an update. Before I begin the make-over, are there any images that come to your mind when you think of Her Interactive, Nancy Drew, the Her Interactive office, or the Amateur Sleuth Blog? I hope to use some imagery, and any bit of help would be great. ~.^

Speaking of beginnings, look what I found! These are early box designs of our first two games, and they cannot be found anywhere, but I'd thought I'd show you what they looked like back in the early days:

Until tomorrow!
~Little Jackalope~
Wow, I actually have the STFD one! And our library used to have the SCK one years ago :) Pretty cool
When I think of Her Interactive, I think immediatley of Koko Kringles. "It's so cow!" Lol. But on a more serious note, I also think of the cover art for Secret of the Old Clock, and its namesake. Now this is irrelevent to pictures, but when I see a ND game, I keep on resorting to the random quotes such as, "Isn't Brady Armstrong the cutest!" and, "Sweet as the smell of fried chicken!" Lol. :)
TEAL! :)
Every time i think of Her Interactive i think of Nancy Drew, or ya'lls logo.
PS. would it be possible for you to take a pic of the outside of the office? I would love that so much!:D
Those look cool.Some of my favorite pics of Nancy are are the older ones you can see in the books.You can find a bunch of em' online.They're kindof old and vintage looking.It'd show that Nancy's been here awhile and will be for quite some time to some.
From me,
You should put them in a colectors box and make it a prize, some people would do any thing for those game boxes. Or you could sell them, you could make a ton of cash! Can't wait to see the make-over! When wil we get to see it?
When I think of Nancy Drew I think of the 2 silhouettes. I find they capture the essence of her and the games.
I can't wait to see the make-over!
I like the box design of "Secrets Can Kill"
OH WOW! thats neat to see what they had looked like then! The box games now have really change. Thanks for posting these pics, it was nice to see them
As Katie said, "teal!"!!! :D
Things that I think of are the Nancy Drew logo/silhouettes, magnifying glasses and koko kringles
I definitely have the teal coloured case for SCK. It was my first ever ND game and I got it back in the early 2000s. :)
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