Monday, October 29, 2012

Behind the Scenes of Halloween

We have randomly selected a winner from all of the correct entries for the Weekend Puzzle #172! Our winner is Rose P.! Congrats! (Rose, please check your email for your prize information).

This puzzle was a bit easy if you had played Danger on Deception Island, or if you knew to look up the Maritime Flags chart to translate. Here's the solution:

Note: The Pumpkin Carving Contest ends tonight! Send in your emailed pictures before time runs out!

Ok, I promised a few secrets about the production of Amateur Sleuth Blog: Halloween Snooping video we uploaded last week, along with noting a few Nancy Drew references.

1. Jayme, an artist turned on and off the light upstairs at the beginning of the video. ND Reference: Message in a Haunted Mansion intro.
2. "It's locked!" quote said at the glass door entrance.
3. Thunder sound effect added (the rain was real) from several games.
4. Entering from the side of the building. ND Reference: Stay Tuned for Danger.
5. Using a key card you found at a door, ND Reference: The Deadly Device (and others).
6. A real spider (no, I did not put him there, he arrived right on time for his scene and performed perfectly for me...*cough*. Actually he scared me on the stairs, and I ran to grab my camera before he scurried off) ND References: Stay Tuned for Danger and Legend of the Crystal Skull.
7.  Yurei ghost girl shadow behind the wall, ND Reference: Shadow at the Water's Edge.
8. Door rattles and the sleuth hides in the closet, ND References: The Final Scene, The Phantom of Venice.
9. Nik, our writer, agreed to film the door rattling and leaving scene. He was really on his way out of the office for the night, too.
10. Jayme, an artist, had to hold the door open a little longer (you can't see her) for me to run and grab before it closed. She helped slow it down and stop it.
11. If you look really closely between 2:36 and 2:37, there is movement in the top right corner of the screen. Down the hall, one of the artists (Josh, who plays Niko) was still around.

There are more fun facts and references to come! I'll be sure to post a few more this week. ;)

~Little Jackalope~


Future Animator said...

Thanks for the behind the scenes stuff! I've always been interested in that kind of thing. I less than three (DED reference) #4! Very clever, I noticed three of those:)

BTW, I've been using that "I less than three" phrase ever since I heard Ryan say it! I've also had a huge craving for gummy bears ever since too.... A trip to the store? I think yes:)

About those gummy bears... Months before DED was released, I saw you update the Twitter saying you where researching to see if you could use a certain candy name in your game. I thought it was kinda cool to play the game and look back on that post:)

Anonymous said...

The video was awesome. I like all the the little information. it must have taken awhile to organize everything. can't wait till tomorrow to see everyones pumpkins.

From me,

Hopeful Rabbit Productions said...

There are a couple of other references you missed. Iggy from Legend of the Crystal Skull, to name one. (Who made him move like that, anyway?)Oh, there was also a few moments where part of the Crystal Skull beginning was playing on a computer after you had passed it. Wow, there are so many references in your video. Lol.

Anyways, you gotta see this pic. I saw it today on facebook and I SO thought of Ryan from The Deadly Device. (She reminds me too much of Claudia from a show called Warehouse 13, which is perfect by the way. She's my fave character in the show.) Back to the point, I was able to get a link of the image. Check it out.
As I shared this image on my FB page, I said "If only Ryan Kirkpatrick from "The Deadly Device" saw this. XD She'd be dying of laughter for sure. (They never saw it coming, the dopes.)"

Sheesh4 said...

Hey LJ when did Nancy hide in a closet in The Final Scene?