Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Opening presents and present openings

With much of the office on "vay-kay" and a few on the sidelines with illness (myself included) you'd be surprised at the stillness settling in the HI headquarters. I thought it might be nice to say a little bit about the wonderful workers in our office who have labored through the holidays.

With a company like ours, small that is, you'll notice that many of our employees get to wear mulitple "job" hats. This is most apparent during the winter holidays. With so many employees out of the office, the few who continue working often take over more responsibilities to help cover those in absence. For instance, our QA lead has been handling a large volume of Tech Support duties in addition to her testing work. Even our Administrative Assistant is up to his ears with not only Customer Service and Tech Support, but also in helping our Sales department. Yipes!

I've got to applaud these hard working employees (and all the ones I didn't mention,) they keep us up and running when the rest of the company is out. As you can imagine it's no easy task, but it's nice to know that someone is here keeping the home fires burning. S' a good feeling. Thanks to everyone who's helped out!

I see the extra holiday puzzle was indeed solved. I'll provide the steps to solving it tomorrow. Congrats to those of you who worked hard to complete it.

We'll see ya soon!

- Novel (-5) -

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