Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Puzzle 12 Answer

So for this week, I'll be giving you the solutions to the individual pieces, but not the final answer as it will require this Friday's clues. Anywho, here are your answers.

You'll find these all in one place:
[ They all appear on the front of the Lights, Camera, Curses! box ]

· I am a statue and my numbers are 2 and 4 = [ O, R ]

· I show you your clues and my numbers are 1,14, 7, 12 = [ N, R, S, I ]

· What’s my rating? = [ E ]

· I tell you what your mystery is and my numbers are 5 and 3 = [ G, T ]


Good job for those of you who managed to find all the necessary letters. Be sure to keep an eye out for this Friday's puzzle. Enjoy!

- Novel -

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