Friday, January 3, 2014

Weekend Puzzle #224

First things first: just giving you all a head's up about our message boards this weekend. Some minor maintenance will be happening on the boards for a bit, so the forums will be temporarily down. You won't see any changes at your end after the work is done, so no worries!

How's the start of your new year? Did you set any goals for yourself in 2014? I sure did. I like "goals" better than "resolutions". It feels less binding and more adventurous of a word. Anyways, I'd really want to add more images to the merchandise store! And make more videos for YouTube! And do...some...Nancy Drew...stuff...? We shall see! I know of many exciting things to look forward to, and here is a clue to one of them:

You sleuths are all pros by know, so solving this one should be a piece of cake! ;)

We have a few birthdays!

~Little Jackalope~


Ruthie said...

Hiya LJ! I am glad you are having a wonderful Winter break! I was constantly looking at your blog over the break wondering when you would do another blog post XD!!!
I really missed your blog posts!!! So I am glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Sonny Joon!!!!! this puzzle is totally making me think more and more that he is going to be in the next game. I can't wait for MED!

yaquelin said...

solar system shirt

Anonymous said...

Solar System Shirts?! What are those?

Shainnen Somerville said...

Weekend puzzle #224 comes out to be; "Solar System Shirt". New T shirt in merchandise store? Yay! No doubt since it's the solar system it might have to refer Sonny Joon... WHY MUST YOU TEMPT THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS Little Jackalope? XD

Red Panda said...

Solar System Shirt...

ComicalCrafty said...

Happy birthday, Gi@ntpandas!

Anonymous said...

Solar System Shirt? I wonder what that one means...