Monday, January 6, 2014

The January Cold

The temperature is dropping here in Bellevue WA, but I can't complain about 28 degrees when other parts of our country is much MUCH colder. All the same, it's totally the season to play snowy games like Warnings at Waverly Academy and Treasure in the Royal Tower and The White Wolf of Icicle Creek. Or perhaps you are a player who enjoys the opposite?

Perhaps if it's really cold outside, you'd prefer to play the warm location-based games like Ransom of the Seven Ships or The Secret of Shadow Ranch?

I think I'd like to replay TRT.

Anyways, it looks like many of you were quick to solve the weekend puzzle, congrats! Of course, all you do is translate the flags to letters. The cipher is [Maritime Flags]. The answer you get is [Solar System Shirt]. Here's what I meant by it:

I'm going to ask our artist for the original art file so that (someday) I can make a similar design available in our merchandise store...


~Little Jackalope~


Allison said...

I thought that was Gallifreyan for a moment!

Guilty as charged - I didn't come close to solving the code. :D

Anonymous said...

Haha. yeah,28 degrees would be nice here! It's -10 degrees and with winchill like -40 something! Definitely planning on playing ICE and TRT!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Sonny Joon will wear the solar system shirt in The Shattered Medallion. I think he's the "most important character" you mentioned, LJ! I also think he's the "new old character" which was a weekend puzzle a while back. That's my guess!

Shainnen Somerville said...

Oh my word! That's concept art!!!! For a male character in The Shattered Medallion. If it really is Sonny Joon, I'm going to faint. But very cool! Thank you so much for showing us LJ! :)

Anonymous said...

it's around 0 where I live... O_o BRRRRRR! Me and my sis played TRT over Christmas (: I love that game.
hmmmm... a t shirt....
I love secrets (:

Anonymous said...

Hey, is the "Snake was here" in FIN supposed to be Sonny?

Anonymous said...

Uh, I think that's a girls shirt. *shrugs* I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like.

Katie said...

Yeah lol, it felt like -60 where I live. 28 degrees sounds really nice!