Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekend Puzzle #216 + Charlotte

Hey all! It's Friday! I've got some fun things to share with you...

First, I just wanted to share this picture taken by Twitter Fan, Kim. She has the magic mug featuring the Her Interactive logo on it from the Merchandise Store. I think it's awesome! But then again, I AM partial to all Nancy Drew Merchandise... Kim puts soup in her mug, yum!

Also, I'm working on a small project that will be posted next week. In the meantime, I'll share with you some pictures of it:

Yep, I dressed up as ghost Charlotte from Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall. Remember! If you dressed up as a game character, share it with us on our social media pages (list to the right). We'd love to see your creative costumes!

Also, don't forget about the Pumpkin Carving Contest! This weekend would be an excellent time to get out those tools and carve some creative Nancy Drew pictures!

Here's your puzzle!

Hmjhp ymj qthpjwx.

~Little Jackalope~


William D said...

You be styling that costume xD
But seriously, it's a pretty good costume! Did you make it yourself?
I am totally going to buy that game the second it comes out on the shelves... actually scratch that xD
For the Dangerous Device, they didn't even have it on the shelves... I made that poor clerk go into -shivers- the shipping room o-o xD I feel kinda bad about that xD

MannyT said...

Check the Lockers?

Unknown said...

Check the Lockers!!

Anonymous said...

cool :) for both the mug and the costume.

another thing about silent spy, I did most of the puzzles on ym own it's been awhile since I could say that XD it was great ^.^


Anonymous said...

I just got my copy of The Silent Spy today and played it all the way through. It was AMAZING!!! You guys did a really great job handling such a personal plot. Also, the trailer for the next game looks interesting. I don't want to say anything to spoil it for people who haven't played SPY yet, but I will say that it is truly awesome that you guys are always able to come up with such unique plots, and not repeat any.


Anonymous said...

I won't be dressing as one character in particular from the games,but I will be wearing a georgeous purple mask (I'm still putting the rest of my costume together). I think I'll probably post a picture on my blog the week of Halloween.
I received my copy of SPY on wednesday...AND I AM LOVING IT! I knew something was weird about-
Grrrrrrr,I really wish I could talk about it but it would totally be a spoiler.
I havn't finished the game yet,but I loved between Ned,Nancy and Mr.Drew-it was shocking and sweet,although,I really can't believe Carson would act like that.
So far,the game is sad,sweet and super exciting! I can't wait to finish (of course,at the same time,I don't want it to end!).
When I post my review for it on my blog,will you read it?

Mimi said...

Hey, Little Jackalope! My sister Allison is turning 19 on the 22nd, could you possibly give her a shoutout? She loves to sew, so maybe you could incorporate Emily Crandall's sewing machine? Thank you so much!

Adriana said...

Hey LJ! I recently started a blog so I can make game reviews for the Nancy Drew Series, you should check it out. So far I only have Alibi in Ashes and The Silent Spy.

Shainnen Somerville said...

I just got The Silent Spy yesterday and I can honestly say that it was really great! I was shocked who the culprit was and I can honestly say the same thing about GTH this year, but you guys are getting so much better with the plot line, the character lines and the environment graphics. Can you thank Cathy and Nik for me? Because they did an amazing job this year with both games and they deserve an applause. (*Spoiler!*) And I told you from the start that I new Samantha Quick was going to be involved. And I loved the twist in the game with that. And thank you so much LJ for always keeping us informed. But anyways, loved the cute mug, maybe I should get one with the Silent Spy on it. And I think maybe for Halloween I'll be a cat, much similar to the one Nancy wore to dance in Venice lol. And the puzzle is "Check the Lockers". Does that mean we have to use one of Ewan's coins to find the locker with an easter egg?

Hannah said...

You look great Little Jackalope! -Did you see Phoenix' costume for Charlotte? I think she looks pretty cool too.

Adriana said...

Sorry the link for the blog didn't show.

Little Jackalope said...

@William D - I had this red dress already, but added the black lace at the top. As for the games, we always carry the latest games, so if you can't find the ones you are looking for in the store (or if they sell out) then you can be sure to find it on our site, :)

@MannyT and
@none of your business none -- Yes! (Did you?) (~.^)

@katedrewisalive -- Awesome! You go detective!! Bravo!

@Samantha -- Yay! Glad you enjoyed it!

@mysteryplayer -- It's likely I will see it on the Message Boards if you post it there!

@Mimi -- You got it!

@ Adriana -- Awesome! What's the blog's name (or link)?

@Shainnen Somerville -- Yay! Glad you liked SPY! Also, I would love to see a picture of you dressed like the cat in VEN!

@Hannah -- I did! I think she did a fantastic job! She looks JUST like Charlotte!

ND's #1 fan said...

Hi, LJ! I finished SPY the other day... it is AWESOME!!!!!!! it just earned a spot on my top 3! :D especially love the part where SQ comes in... so cool! and your costume is awesome! you look just like Charlotte! :) did you make it yourself?

Lauren Giger said...

I was Nancy Drew for Halloween. *big grin*

Lauren Giger said...

I was Nancy for halloween. Not scary, but COOL! :D :D :D

Lauren Giger said...

sorry. . . didn't mean to say that twice :P anyway. . .