We have a short week here at the Her Interactive office because it's Christmas time! So we are giving you an early weekend puzzle. Enjoy!
"On the twelfth day of sleuthing my true love gave to me:
12 R_sty K_ys
11 Dus_y _o_tprints
10 Shiftin_ Sha_ows
9 Seco_d Chanc_s
8 H_dden Pho_e Cha_ms
7 E_tr_ G_ows_icks
6 Creep_ Whisp_rs
5 K_ko Kri_gle _ _rs
4 S_sp_c_s
3 _inge_pr_nts
2 Hug_ C_ue_
1 ma_nifying glass to s_l_e _he mystery

Good luck!
~Little Jackalope~
12 Rusty Keys
11 Dusty footprints
10 Shifting Shadows
9 Second Chances
8 Hidden Phone Charms
7 extra glow sticks
6 Creepy Whispers
5 Koko Kringle Bars
4 Suspects
3 Fingerprints
2 Huge Clues
1 Magnifying glass to solve the mistery
12 Rusty Keys
11 Dusty Footprints
10 Shifting Shadows
9 Second Chances
8 Hidden Phone Charms
7 Extra Glowsticks
6 Creepy Whispers
5 Koko Kringle Bars
4 Suspects
3 Fingerprints
2 Huge Clues
1 Magnifying glass to solve mysteries
I'm new to playing the puzzles where do we post our answers to the puzzles?
rusty keys
dusty footprints
shifting shadows
second chances
hidden phone charms
extra glowsticks
creepy whispers
koko kringles
huge clues
magnifying glass to solve the mystery
12 rusty keys
11 dusty footprints
10 shifting shadows
9 second chances
8 hidden phone charms
7 Extra glow sticks
6 creepy whispers
5 koko kringle bars
4 suspects
3 fingerprints
2 huge clues
1 magnifying glass to solve the mystery
On the twelfth day of sleuthing my true love gave to me:
12 Rusty Keys
11 Dusty Footprints
10 Shifting Shadows
9 Second Chances
8 Hidden Phone Charms
7 Extra Glowsticks
6 Creepy Whispers
5 Koko Kringle Bars
4 Suspects
3 Fingerprints
2 Huge Clues
1 magnifying glass to solve the mystery
12 rusty keys
11 dusty footprints
10 shifting shadows
9 second chances
8 hidden phone charms
7 Extra glow sticks
6 creepy whispers
5 koko kringle bars
4 suspects
3 fingerprints
2 huge clues
1 magnifying glass to solve the mystery
next year is going to be full of adventure
ps it should be 1.19 not 1.20 or you get LF?
pps fun
I figured out most of the first part but is there a hint for the second part?
Heehee that was so much fun...thanks for taking the trouble to post these! :)
12 Rusty Keys
11 Dutsy footprints
10 Shifting Shadows
9 Second Chances
8 Hidden Phone Charms
7 Extra Glow sticks
6 Creepy Whispers
5 Koko Kringle bars
4 Suspects
3 fingerprints
2 Huge Clues
1 magnifying glass to solve the mystery
On the twelfth day of sleuthing my NED gave to me!
Weekend Puzzle #130 is not a contest.
The weekend puzzle of December 16th was a contest and is now closed. The winner will be announced later today.
Next year will be full of Adventure!
Next year is going to be full of adventure!!! :)
I got it!Alot of people beat me to it but it was still fun to figure out.
From me,
Next year - oh never mind. I seem to be slower than most... at least it was fun solving.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I forgot how to work the second half of the puzzle, Little Jackalope. Could you remind me please?
haha I love that, and it is so true that Nancy would get all of those things. Well at least in a game she would. Merry Christmas
12. Rusty Keys
11. Dusty Footprints
10. Shifting Shadows
9. Second Chances
8. Hidden Phone Charms
7.Extra Glowsticks
6. Creepy Whispers
5. Koko Kringle Bars
4. Suspects
3. Fingerprints
2. Huge Clues
1. Magnifying glass to solve the mystery
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