Monday, November 25, 2013

Cookie Love in SPY

Looks like a few of you solved the puzzle! Congrats! The two clues provided (puzzle = keyword, and "no q") refers to a Playfair Cipher. Using the letters given, it decodes to these words [Creating a Character on Monday]. I especially like one person's theory on the message boards to what this means...he/she is spot on!

But alas, we have a short week this week for Thanksgiving break, and I got backed up with more important things. The *something* I was referring to in the puzzle will have to wait until tomorrow. :(

As for today, I was reading through the captions on Facebook and had to stop mid-way. Why? So much cookie talk and I HAD to go and get some cookies to enjoy while reading the rest of the captions.

Oh I love them. I especially like to stare at the beautifully decorated cookies we get to make in The Silent Spy. I may just have to make some of these one day: a sugar cookie filled with jam topped with icing and sprinkles. Extravagant!

Oh wow, I just realized I added a clue to the *thing* I'm working on, releasing tomorrow...

~Little Jackalope~


Shainnen Somerville said...

Ughhh, wah I wanted to see what interesting things you wanted to share today. You better at least say another hint on Wednesday if your leaving for Thanksgiving break on Thursday. Can't wait! All these talks about jam cookies is making me hungry...

Anonymous said...

What is the difference between a preview and a teaser?

Anonymous said...

Hi, i would like to ask for a birthday shout-out if that's fine? My friend katelyn's birthday tomorrow 11/27/13 she will be 19 and she is a HUGE ND fan. also her favorite game is Warnings at Waverly Academy! -Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shoutout LJ! I love it! It's so....Me. And do you mean that S.J. is going to be in the next game?! That would be awesome! Can you explain how a Playfair Cipher works? I've heard of them and seen them, but don't actually know how to solve them. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I just saw your new video...
WOW. It is one of your BEST videos ever, just as I knew it would.
Every part of out was amazing! As I mentioned in a previous post, I love behind the scenes stuff like this. Fantastic! The way you guys animate, do voices, character design and animation is cool. Great video!

Little Jackalope said...

@Anonymous -- The difference between Preview and Teaser used to be that Preview meant the sequence shown at the end of the game, while Teaser was a short trailer that came before the official trailer. Now, today, The Teaser are the same thing, and we only have two videos: one at the end of the game, and the official.

@Anonymous -- Bday shout for Katelyn, you got it!

@Anonymous -- You can do a search on to read up on the different types of ciphers. ;)

@Anonymous -- Glad you liked the video! :D