Monday, November 26, 2012

Cyber Monday 2012

Thanksgiving break is now over, and so we return to the Her Interactive office for another week of working on our next game. (Yay!) Did you get enough to eat? How about enough rest? I started playing The Final Scene again, but got distracted imagining what Nancy's thoughts were when certain characters said certain things....and then I started doodling these in a computer program...

Looking at the weekly poll to the right, it looks like many of you detectives already own all of the Nancy Drew games, and had no need to wake up super early, put on your slippers, turn on your computers and focus your sleepy eyes on....buying games online. XD Yep! Black Friday has past (and I hope none of you gutsy holiday shoppers got trampled on, in or out of the retail stores!). A few team mates here (myself included with my family) each went out on shopping excursions for the fun of it that morning. We knew how to play it safe and avoid the crazy crowds.

Cyber Monday is here! It's the day where everyone hops online to find the best deals and sales. We too, are having a sale (have you heard this bit of news?). If you order any digital download game by the end of today (sorry, this offer does not include The Deadly Device), using promo code CYBER12 at checkout, you get 50% off the price. I asked a certain character his opinion on buying online and he said it's "the wave of the future!" (Just for fun, name that character!).

This, in my personal opinion, is a smashing good deal, because the games are between $5-$10 each. o.O This special offer won't last! It's only good for today. "Here today, gone tomorrow!" Did another character say that line? I forget...

~Little Jackalope~


Crazy101 said...

Hey Little Jackalope,
I Got The Tail of the Twister and I Got it done in one day thats my personal best score and its farly easy and There are jackalope's In it this is probably old news to you but it new to me and i was excited about that and yes i will get games im new and i have lots to go :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, i enjoy reading your blog and am looking forward to your next game i wish i could give out the name but its sort of a spoiler p.s. i strongly suggest you do a game in Alabama or Georgia its beautiful here, you know!

Anonymous said...

hi, nice blog, i like the games HeR makes but i would love if they could make a game in the south, like Alabama or Georgia PLEASE PLEASE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is my first comment to your awesome blog!
First let me say that i hope you had a great Thanksgiving and that i'm super happy about the merchandise store posters!
Your cyber monday sale looks great (loved your post and BTW wasn't "the wave of the future" said by Brady Charmstrong).
I have not played DED yet (it's on my wish list (: )but it looks great!
p.s. i would love,love,love if you could wish me (Grace) a happy birthday on tomorrows (Nov- 27th) post.
Thank you ND+NN
i love your drawings

Anonymous said...

brady armstrong?

Jessie said...

There are only 2 ND games that I don't have (that herinteractive still sells), and I bought them today!! :D I was lucky that they were games 3 and 5, and together were only 10 dollars. I got 2 for the price of 1/2!

ILUVNANCY!!! said...

That quote was by... either Joseph Hughes or Brady Armstrong? I think it's Joseph.

Anonymous said...

I had great Thanksgiving and ate turkey for two days afterwards1 I love cold turkey. We never go shopping early on black Friday. We only went out for groceries. Those lines sound familier,but I have no idea who sai either of them.

From me,

Little Jackalope said...

@Teagpow -- TOT is the exact game I sort of got my inspiration for my name -- because of those jackalopes on display! That....and I had already liked jackalopes... XD

@Anonymous -- Hey first-time commenter of the A.S. Blog! Thanks for your feedback! We love hearing from our fans. Yep, we had a great Thanksgiving, and yes, you are correct. It was Brady "Ch"Armstrong who said that first quote.

@Jessie -- congrats on completing your Nancy Drew Collection!!! That is so exciting! XD

@Silvertongue -- I love leftover turkey sandwiches, yum!