Instead of having the visitors come up to the office, we directed them to a conference room downstairs, can you tell we like giving directions? XD

It was so much fun to read for these characters, I had to pretend to be someone else, think about how they would talk, and sound and what emotion and emphasis they put on their words. It was great!
Then I was asked to do another character. "Wait...another character? One that was not mentioned on the Sides?" I thought. Yep! Our writer told me just a little about this third character, and he would ask me questions.
I had to improvise my entire lines in response. o.O (Meaning I had to come up with this character in my head and answer questions for real!) Actually, I think this was even more fun than reading. I got to make up a character in my mind and bring her to life! It was soooo much fun!
I think that no matter who the final voices are in the next game, it will get a chance at being on my top five favorites list. Why? Because from what I've learned, (and it may be too early to say), it's amazing!
I suggest pre-ordering The Deadly Device...because remember: at the end of the game, you get to watch the preview trailer to ND#28. (Regular copies will also get to see it, so no worries!)
~Little Jackalope~
Game 29!!??
Or do you mean game 28? I got confused with the last sentence about the preview after The Deadly Device
Sounds like a fun day though!
Sounds like a great day! :D another reason to want to work at HeR! Secrets! Lots and lots of secrets! Its also so hard to believe that you guys are already talking about ND30! Three games at a time? Does it get hard sometimes? Just wanted to thank everyone on the team for how hard they work for us:) you guys are amazing!
Do you mean Nancy Drew 28, LJ?
Great post! Sounds like it was a lot of fun! Wish I could audition as well! When you talk about pre ordering The Deadly Device and seeing the preview for the next Nancy Drew game is #29, did you mean to say that or #28 since The Deadly Device is #27? Just wondering! Thanks for such awesome posts and information! :))
Ahhh, you've discovered the joys of acting, haven't you LJ? ;) Well, I sure hope you get cast, because that would be totally awesome!!! I would LOVE to voice a Nancy Drew character. Maybe someday... :) How do you find out about these auditions?
Cool I Would Love To Do That And How'd You Do? Can You Get A Little Iszy Bizy More Info?
Teagpow (Amateur Sleuth)
Whatever happened to ND #28? You're going right to ND #29. Isn't #28 supposed to be next?
Ahh! Second Chance me! I totally got my numbers mixed up. >.< You are all right, it should have said #28. (Not #29).
@Anonymous -- If you watch the Interview with Nik that Phoenix did on YouTube, he will explain how the auditioning process works. ;)
so cool! it would be soooo awsume if you got cast as a chaticter!
Will you be in the next game,not DED?
From me,
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