Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hype: Day Two

Some cool new games and features have been show at E3 already. I remember once upon a time when we were there, front and center... well maybe not on stage or anything. Though we're feeling a lot of anticipation and excitement for tomorrow (TOT begins shipping out!)

Both puzzles have been solved, I'll break them down. 57 had some issues, but it's been "cracked" for all intensive purposes. Good work sticking with both.

- Puzzle 58 Answer -

101110100 001101000 101101001 001110011 101110100 101101100 101100101
001100010 101101100 101101001 001101101 001110000
001100100 101101111 101110111 001101110 001111001

The hints give you a clue to each of the two steps you'll take to solve this puzzle. Step one is convert the numbers using [ 8-bit ASCII code. ]
To do this, you have to [ drop the first digit of each sequence. ]
Each sequence will give you [ 1 letter ] which ultimately gives you
[ 3 words; thistle blimp downy ].
The second clue tells you to [ convert the three words to four ]. With a little bit of work you can end up the phrase:
[ Stop by the Windmill ]


Aaaaaand 57 (it's totally unsolvable... test, test, test. It is sooo important!) With the source of the code cracked I figure it's best to go ahead and give you the prize.

- Puzzle 57 Answer -


For this one you'll [ use the letters to find clues in the writing ].
The easiest way to do this is
[ convert the key letters into numbers A=1, B=2, C=3... ].
Once you've done this you can find what each sequence means by
[ using the first number to determine the line, the second number to determine the word, and the third to show you the letter ].
For example [ CBF = 3rd line, 2nd word, 6th letter = B ].
Any time where the [ numbers exceed line, word, or letter, just wrap around and start over ].
If you fill them all in, you'll end up with [ Brooke Aasanah ] Which is unfortunately a typo of the intended answer
[ Brooke Tavanah ].


More TOT hints. You should expect no less. ^.~

- Novel -

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