Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Cookies

So today was the office cookie contest! There were quite a few exquisite entries; orange cardamom sugar cookies, butterscotch chocolate chip, toffee almond chocolate squares. Ah well, you get the picture. Needless to say, we're all about ready to burst. I managed to grab a few photos, check 'em out below.

A winner hasn't been chosen just yet, but my money is on those sugar cookies. :P Besides, they all were pretty excellent in my book.

We'll catch up tomorrow. TTFN

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Firewing3333 said...

Man, those cookies look absolutely delicious! Good luck to the participants! They sure have won the competition for making a person's stomach grumble, that's for sure.

Jane said...

Those cookies look yummy! I wish I had some right now!

fa said...

Looks delicious))

scarlet_hand_lover said...

they look SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!!!!