Friday, October 2, 2009

A Riddle, a reminder, and a little to mind.

~ Fridays are glorious. The office is busy, but relaxed. We know the weekend is upon us, and so we're cheery and calm. Who knows what adventures the next few days will bring. ~

Don't forget that the twitter soap opera starts next week. Be sure to tune in!

And for all you avid puzzle players, here's a most excellent puzzle for your weekend.

-- Puzzle #28 --

Part 1:
Nancy, Bess and George were each enjoying a favorite past time. And they were all in the same room. The cousins both had headphones on but one had her blue eyes closed.

Who had a:
• Book?
• Mp3 player?
• Computer?

Part 2:
Nancy, Bess and George are working on a mystery and staying in a hotel. Room 34 is on the third floor. George likes heights, so she swapped rooms with Bess. Nancy found out her window was blocked by shrubs!

Who was staying in room:
• 17
• 26
• 34

Part 3:
Pay attention to Nancy’s answers. Together they’ll give you a final hint.


Have fun this weekend and be sure to get lots of rest! Au revoir!

- Novel -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a hard one. Hard, but fun!:)